Saturday, 23 October 2010

James Corner - Reshaping Cities

American cities don't fare well in our annual Quality of Life survey but things are beginning to change. British-born landscape architect James Corner is one of the pioneering individuals who have taken up the task of sorting out the nation's urban environments. His US practice, Field Operations, has been involved in the rejuvenation of Fresh Kills Park in Staten Island and Race Street Pier in Philadelphia. Monocle meets Corner on the High Line in New York to hear his thoughts and witness his work. -


  1. Yeah- James Corner. He's a pretty important influence on landscape urbanism, was going to do my dissertation on him but Robert told me not too unless I was willing to visit New York. I told him I was more than willing, just short on funds. He was unimpressed.

    As for the film- I hated the narrator's voice.

  2. i love what hes done here, good work Corner!
